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All hail a new chapter in the UK

September 19th, 2022 8:00 AM

By Southern Star Team

All hail a new chapter in the UK Image

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EDITOR – A new monarch and new prime minister will give the United Kingdom and the Commonwealth a fresh new start.

Nothing and no one can go on forever and change is inevitable and necessary.

Queen Elizabeth II was known the world over, but not without justifiable criticism regarding her enormous wealth and privilege and that of the monarchy in general.

Britons who are not blinded by the awe of royalty, gold braid, medals, and pageantry have often complained about her net worth of at least £550m, and spending her non-constitutional time trading horses, while many in the United Kingdom struggled to make ends meet.

Many people in Britain believe that charity is not the answer to social problems and inequality lies at the heart of it all.

More believe the rich and powerful are the very cause of the world’s injustices and exercise a hypocritical context in highlighting injustices, while living the extremely privileged and pampered lives of the elite.

However, when Queen Elizabeth came to Ireland on the official State visit in 2011 she made a very valuable statement which said ‘we should not be bound by the past’, referencing the Anglo-Irish relationship, which echoes to the present day.

It will also be interesting to see if the massive change which is now taking place in the monarchy and government can change the fortunes of Northern Ireland and its continued deadlock and political strife. Undoubtedly, her legacy will be perpetuated by her son Charles the III, so nothing will be lost in what is a very sad and difficult time for the United Kingdom, but also a very exciting time. This new chapter will hopefully bring a lot of good for everybody.

Maurice Fitzgerald,


Sad when one parent bad-mouths another

EDITOR –  Fiona and Tim O’Leary consider parental alienation a violation of children’s rights. Parental alienation is, in fact, a form of child abuse. A lot of people – including counsellors and child advocates – may not even be aware of the term parental alienation.

It happens often to children of divorce or separation.

Parental alienation occurs when one parent bad-mouths the other parent. Children know they are part-mom and part-dad and when one parent is degraded, the child will feel part of them is being put down as well.

Children are so susceptible to what they hear. When a child hears that ‘Daddy doesn’t love you’ or ‘Mommy is stupid’, feelings are internalised.

Parental alienation can be subtle as well. When ‘divorced Dad’ tries to call his child on the phone and the conversation is interrupted by Mom’s demand to ‘Clean your room’ or ‘Do your homework,’ the child learns to associate good feelings with Dad with unpleasant tasks or household chores.

The aim of parental alienation awareness is to make judges, police officers, psychiatrists, lawyers, as well as friends and family of the people abusing their children by alienation tactics, to become aware of this growing problem and form of abuse.

With awareness comes education and understanding, and the power to stop the abuse of innocent children caught in the crossfire of the people they love.

Don Mathis,

San Antonio, Texas, USA.

Recalling interactions with market traders

EDITOR  – There were many different responses in this country to the death of Queen Elizabeth last week. As one who watched her visit in Cork some years ago, and the lovely way she interacted with the traders in the English Market in particular, I felt a little pang of sadness when I learned of her passing. I am sure I wasn’t alone in this part of the world. Given the history between our two countries, it would be understandable if many felt differently.

But I do think this is a case in which we should – to borrow a phrase from sport – play the man, and not the ball.

Susan Crowe,


Her protocol stance will cause problems for us all

EDITOR  – Interesting to see what the new British prime minister intends to do about the Northern Ireland protocol.

She is not off to a good start. Punching holes in the hard-won deal will sour relations between our two islands and the EU.

At a time when we are all in the same boat facing the same escalating costs of living, it is not prudent for the UK foreign secretary to go on a wrecking spree, and turn the Protocol and the Good Friday Agreement on its head. It will hit hard in both Ireland and the EU – and also America – and will cause huge problems for the UK around the world.

Tearing up the Protocol might look good for the DUP, but it will be bad news for a great many more on this island of Ireland.

Noel Harrington,




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