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Elections 2024

Election posters on Mizen peninsula ripped off poles

May 20th, 2024 10:00 AM

By Martin Claffey

Election posters on Mizen peninsula ripped off poles Image
Helen O’Sullivan took this photo showing damage to one of her posters after it had been ripped down.

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ELECTION posters belonging to candidates on the Mizen peninsula have been ripped off poles and tampered with, prompting one candidate to report the matter to gardaí.

Independent candidate Helen O’Sullivan, who is standing in the Bantry area, said her posters were removed just outside Schull.

‘I was out with a friend from midnight on Tuesday night until 4am on Wednesday morning putting up posters, because that was the first day candidates were allowed put up posters,’ said Ms O’Sullivan.

‘I got a call from a friend the next day to say to say two of the posters had been removed. You could see where they had been ripped off the pole. One was dumped about two fields from where it had been put up. I have no idea who did it and we don’t know why someone would do it. It really is disheartening when you are out working day and night and then someone does this.’

She said she only has 100 posters and each costs around €20. She said she didn’t make contact with gardaí as she felt there was little hope of catching the culprit.

Meanwhile Aontú election candidate Patrick Murphy has made a complaint to gardaí about his posters being tampered with.

Mr Murphy is standing for Ireland South in the European elections and Bantry in the local elections. He said his family and friends were out putting up his posters around Ballydehob, but some posters were targeted.

‘It’s very disheartening that the little of what we have are being taken,’ he said.

He said the matter goes beyond politics. ‘I may disagree with several politicians and parties, but I wouldn’t dream of taking down their posters or destroying any of their election material.

‘I have reported this matter to the gardaí and I want action on this. I would urge the public to report any incident of illegal tampering of my posters – or any posters.’

And in Courtmacsherry there were reports that many candidates’ posters had been defaced with paint on the approach roads to the town.

Posters are only allowed be erected 30 days before the polls.

Following the election, all candidates must remove posters within seven days or they could face a fine from Cork County Council.


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